"Ellen Dissanayake (1995) points out that art creation is taking ordinary things and making them special."
March 19, 2010
Making normal things 'special'
Posté par amy at 18:17 2 comments
Labels: Ellen Dissanayake, Flowers, Special, Trees
March 18, 2010
Posté par amy at 15:15 2 comments
Labels: Alice in Wonderland, Perceptions
March 16, 2010
Trees and Views
These trees were taken in Clent, by my friend Beckie.The images look brilliant, and the trees look like the sort of environment I want to take my pictures.
Thanks Bec.
Posté par amy at 13:37 1 comments
March 15, 2010
Some More Kolehmainen
Ola Kolehmainen
I love Kolehmainen's work.
Posté par amy at 17:54 0 comments
Labels: Buildings, Ola Kolehmainen
Keeping My Eyes Open
Keeping my eyes open for related projects has become one of the most useful tools in my artistic toolkit. It is very useful and I do it without realising, and so did Rachel. She sent me a text about the Smirnoff advert being "fairytaley." When I looked into the advert, I did notice that the characters were of a fairytale quality and they were all in a forest. The advert is below. As you can see, it is very 'extraordinary' as it states.
Posté par amy at 17:37 0 comments
Interesting Items
These lights look beautiful. Taken on 'Night Mode' on my camera. I love using this mode when I want to create the same effect using other lights, such as the moon.
I went to a gig - one of my ultimate favourite bands, and this is a picture I took. I just liked the movement of the stage lights, the band on stage, and all the fans moving.
Posté par amy at 15:59 0 comments
Labels: Lights, Russian Dolls, You Me At Six
Alternate Ending
I was browsing through blogs, when I came across the blog "Boys Who Blush."
I was initially intrigued due to the bloggers beautiful way with words, and the interesting imagery, but as I scrolled through to the older posts, I noticed a piece entiltled 'Alternate Ending.'
Posté par amy at 15:21 0 comments
Labels: Alternate Endings, Boys Who Blush
March 14, 2010
Fictional and Fantasy Worlds
I have just come across artist Anna Gaskell who creates a fictional world, loosely based around Alice in Wonderland. The work also reminds me of The Jackson Twins, who combine elements of mythology, and well known stories about twins or alter egos. The Wolverhampton Art Gallery 'Hungry' pamphlet explains;
"The (Jackson Twins) work displayed in this exhibition shows their unique ability to manipulate images, photographing scenes which have a filmic quality and creating a fantasy world through their bold use of colours and dramatic content."
I love the way these photos are manipulated, and will be looking into creating a similar effect when I get round to taking my pictures.
I may have uploaded 'the echo of footfalls heightened her flourishing hysteria' photograph that I took at the exhibition in an earlier post, but it is one of my favourite images, so here it is again.
Posté par amy at 20:14 0 comments
Labels: Alice in Wonderland, Anna Gaskill, Fairy Tales, Manipulating Images, The Jackson Twins, Twins
Posté par amy at 19:43 0 comments
Labels: art connections, Epstein
A Building is not a Building
Modern architecture provides the source material for Ola Kolehmainen’s large scale, hand-printed, colour photographs. The artist is not concerned with documenting these iconic buildings but instead, he focuses on details in which an apparent sense of order is disrupted.
The massive scale of these works envelops the viewer; an experience enhanced by the reflective plastic surface which embraces both the viewers and the surrounding environment as part of the work. (Exhibition Booklet)
About His Work: "Minimalism is my great love. In my works I concentrate on what is essential in a space, building or structure, leaving out things that are unnecessary, which I call visual noise. The original forms of my subjects often contain many repeated elements, a single form or material, often the same, in large quantities. When three-dimensional forms of this kind are photographed they tend to become surfaces, planes. The visual cleansing of a theme, its representation in a large-format photograph laminated on acrylic will, however, produce a new kind of multidimensional image of reality."
Posté par amy at 19:01 0 comments
Labels: Buildings, Ola Kolehmainen, Perceptions, Reality
March 13, 2010
Art Website
Although very much under construction, I am putting together an art website. Follow the link below to see how its going.
My Art Website
Posté par amy at 19:08 0 comments
Red Riding Hood
I have decided upon using Little Red Riding Hood initially, and moving on to my second fairy tale with regards to time and props.
This is a little list of some of the items I will need;
ModelRed Riding Hood Costume
Suitable Forest Setting
Wolf face/mask
- camera
- wolf model? (dependant upon chosen image representation for the wolf)
Posté par amy at 19:06 0 comments
Labels: Art, Red Riding Hood