August 27, 2009

The Forest

From my blog dated Saturday, 25th July 2009, (I'm still thinking about reversing fairy tales and changing the themes and outcomes..) I quote 'the idea that "A widely used metaphor for danger and a place of nightmares, Forest explores the 'in-between' or 'other place', the place of refuge and contemplation."'

So.. Red Riding hood skips through the forest to Grandma's house
Snow white is taken into a forest to be killed by the huntsman
Hansel and Gretel stumble upon the house in the forest
Sleeping Beauty is taken into the forest for hiding
and Goldilocks finds the bears house in the forest

The forest was, I believe placed into these tales as it says above, it is a place of nightmares and danger or place of refuge or contemplation. Forests. Hmm.