October 27, 2009

Other Ideas...

"It's one of Western culture's immediate visual signifiers: beauty equals worthiness, ugliness equals wickedness."


Snow White and the Seven Dwarves:
Disney's first animated feature gave the world the archetypal Disney princess. She is hardly a feminist role model, but the continuing demand for Snow White merchandise suggests the list of her admirers extends way beyond the dwarves and Prince Charming.

Sleeping Beauty:
All the Princess Aurora had to do was lie back, close her eyes and ... wait. Eventually her prince did come. Life should be so easy.

Beauty and the Beast:
Belle soothes the savage Beast, and even prefers this ugly brute to the handsomest man in her village (the latter was a cad, you see). She is much braver and more assertive than Snow White or Aurora, and her reward is to end up as a princess, too.

By Disney standards, Mulan is revolutionary. She's not European, for a start, and holds ideals of demure maidenhood in contempt. A sort of Chinese Joan of Arc, she dons man's garb, saves China from the invading Huns and restores her family's honour. Unlike Joan, she lives happily ever after.

(http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2004/08/20/1092972730414.html 15:23)