March 14, 2010

Fictional and Fantasy Worlds

I have just come across artist Anna Gaskell who creates a fictional world, loosely based around Alice in Wonderland. The work also reminds me of The Jackson Twins, who combine elements of mythology, and well known stories about twins or alter egos. The Wolverhampton Art Gallery 'Hungry' pamphlet explains;

"The (Jackson Twins) work displayed in this exhibition shows their unique ability to manipulate images, photographing scenes which have a filmic quality and creating a fantasy world through their bold use of colours and dramatic content."

I love the way these photos are manipulated, and will be looking into creating a similar effect when I get round to taking my pictures.

I may have uploaded 'the echo of footfalls heightened her flourishing hysteria' photograph that I took at the exhibition in an earlier post, but it is one of my favourite images, so here it is again.